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When you cannot control the world, control yourself.

Blackbox Partners

There are times when we cannot control the society or the environment around us. During those times I try to remember one of the rules I made for myself: "when I cannot control outside, control inside."

I could see what was about to happen with COVID-19. I already had my hurricane closet stocked, as people who take my Advanced Risk Assessment class usually find out. But I, myself, was not ready for this long shut-in chance with a serious disease likely happening to me over the next 18 months.

So I decided to dedicate myself to catching up with a goal I made at the beginning of the year. I decided at the beginning of the year that I wanted to walk 2,020 mile in 2020. But I was behind the goal having bounced from Doha to St. Louis to Nevada to Denver to Ithaca in the previous 7 weeks.

So my focus over the last 12 days was to get back up to the 5.53 miles per day average needed to attain 2020. This afternoon I crossed that threshold. So I feel good.

I recommend this to people trapped and feeling helpless. Set yourself a goal, a hard one but an attainable one, and see if you can do it over the next 6 weeks or so. You will feel better when you attain your goal.

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